Current SMH Promotion!!

16 March 2010 - 30 March 2010

Purchase 1 Box (12 sachets) of NaturCare Organic Lacto Fiber,
1 Tupperware 330ml Tumbler (whilst stocks last!).

Bundle Packs (with NaturCare Colostrum +DHA Chews):
3 Day NaturCare Organic Lacto Fiber Trial Pack + 1 pack of NaturCare Colostrum +DHA Chews - 15's
- U.P. $17 Now $16

7 Day NaturCare Organic Lacto Fiber Trial Pack + 1 pack of NaturCare Colostrum +DHA Chews - 15's
- U.P. $27 Now $25

For returning customers, email us for special promo!!


Wednesday, February 24, 2010

NaturCare Organic Lacto Fiber - Latest Price (17 Feb 2010 - 31 Mar 2010)

From the latest Tupperware catalogue for period 17 Feb to 31 Mar 2010:

NaturCare Organic Lacto Fiber (300g) - $66.00

NaturCare Organic Lacto Fiber (12 sachets x 10g) - $29.00

If you are interested in other Tupperware products, check out the latest catalogue at Drop me an email at and I'll be glad to be of assistance.

NaturCare Organic Lacto Fiber - FAQs

Here's some frequently asked questions on NaturCare Organic Lacto Fiber:

Q: Is there any reaction after consuming Lacto-Fiber?
A: Yes, you will have frequent bowel movements and more stools.

Q: Does Lacto-Fiber have any side effects?
A: No. Lacto-Fiber is made of natural ingredients and is safe for long-term consumption.

How does Lacto-Fiber differ from laxatives?
A: It is a food and not a laxative. It provides a better solution than commercial colon-cleansing products.

Q: Who benefits from Lacto-Fiber?
A: Everyone. It helps detoxify and cleanse our intestines of processed food with preservatives, artificial colouring and flavouring.

Q: How much should I consume, and when is the best time?
A: 1-3 scoops daily before meals, with a maximum consumption of up to 3 scoops daily for treating certain health problems or as a meal replacement.

Personally, I take Lacto-Fiber only in the morning, about 30mins before breakfast. Always remember that Lacto-Fiber should always be taken before food, never do it after food!

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

NaturCare Organic Lacto Fiber - What is it made from?

NaturCare Organic Lacto Fiber is a complete wholesome meal made from 59 nutrient-rich ingredients.


  • Black grains, coarse rice, wild rice, barley malt, pearly barley, white wheat, red wheat, wheat germs, sorghum and organic oat.

Features & Benefits

  • Rich in insoluble fiber and high in protein, amino acid and dietary fiber that reduces the risk of high cholesterol and cardiovascular diseases.

  • It also helps to control diabetes by lowering blood glucose and plasma lipid.

  • Good source of minerals, potassium, phosphorus, vitamins, thiamine and riboflavin that help improve immune system.

  • Detoxification. The bulking effect of soluble fiber works to rid the colon of toxic substances including heavy metal. This spongy action has dual advantage as it can decrease hunger when taken with meals.
  • Organic wheat grass, broccoli, cabbage, green tea leaves, spinach, celery, chlorophyll, chrysanthemum, ginger, ginseng, liquorice, astragalus, carrots, alfalfa and plant fiber.
Features & Benefits

  • Green contains fiber which help promote colon health, improves the digestive system, prevents cancer, diabetes and heart disease, cures constipation, detoxifies heavy metals from the bloodstream and cleanses the liver.

  • Chlorophyll, spirullina, cholera and Dunaliela Salina are rich in proteins, vitamins, minerals and antioxidants that help cleanse blood and build red blood cells. Reduces wrinkles and delays aging.

  • Algae is rich in Beta-Carotene and anti-microbial properties that help decrease the activity of superoxide dismutase, catalase and peroxidase.

  • Rich in amino acids, fatty acids and dietary fiber that are good for strengthening the immune system and as energy booster.

  • Leaves are rich in polyphenol and catechin (strong anti-oxidant) with anti-bacterial and anti-tumour properties help improve high blood pressure by controlling cholesterol levels and regulate blood sugar level. Superb source for energy production and respiratory endurance.
  • Acerola, apples, black dates, red dates, citrus aurantium and medlar lemon.
Features & Benefits

  • Rich in Vitamin C as strong antioxidant that nourishes the blood and stops liver tissue damage caused by viral hepatitis.

  • Excellent source of soluble fiber to improve the digestive system, soften stools and remove toxins from blood (Toxins i.e. heavy metals in the intestinal tract).

  • Beneficial for vision development.
  • Black beans, green beans and rice beans.
Features & Benefits

  • Excellent source of protein.

  • Inhibits lipid absorption and has the potential to lower fat.

  • Contains epigallocatechin-3-gallate (the most active catechins) that is beneficial against cancer, cardiovascular diseases, neurological diseases, hypercholesterolemia, Parkinson's and Alzheimer's.

  • Helps digestion.

  • Excellent source of cholesterol lowering fiber (insoluble), vitamin B and protein.
  • Flax seeds, lotus seeds, pine seeds and organic pumpkin seeds.
Features & Benefits

  • Rich in ALA (Alpha Linolenic Acid) to lower triglycerides and cholesterol.

  • Rich in iron, vitamin B and C that inhibit lymphocyte proliferation, aids in neurological development and urination.

  • High in fiber to stimulate peristalsis and relieve constipation.
  • Apricot kernels, peanuts, walnuts, yellow peas, brown sesame, buck wheat groat, gold lentils, red lentils, green lentils, wheat germ and soy isoflavone.
Features & Benefits

  • Contains beta carotene to provide better eyesight.

  • Contains significant levels of iron essential for hemoglobin, the oxygen-carrying pigment in red blood cells.

  • Excellent source of Omega 3 to protect the cardiovascular system and prevent coronary heart disease. Promotes better cognitive functions and helps treat eczema.

  • Contains ellagic acid (antioxidants) to support the immune system and anti-cancer properties.

  • Rich in amino acids and excellent source of cholesterol-lowering fiber (insoluble), vitamin B and protein.

  • Rich source of Inositol that reduces colon cancer and improves the immune system.

  • Rich in vitamin E as an antioxidant and moisturiser, vitamin B, zinc, manganese, selenium and copper.
Probiotics, Prebiotics And Enzymes

  • Bifidobacteria - Aids digestion and is associated with a lower incidence of allergies. Also prevents some forms of tumour growth.

  • Lactobacillus
    - Lowers lipid levels
    - Shortens gastrointestinal transit time
    - Improves the digestive system
    - Enhances the immune system
    - Balances intestinal microbial activity

  • Fructo-oligosaccharide - a good platform for the growth of good bacteria in the stomach.

  • Enzymes - strengthen the immune system and help improve digestion.

  • Shitake and Reshi mushroom
    - Rich in beta glucan to enhance the immune system and lower cholesterol levels
    - Anti-tumour properties

Above info courtesy of Tupperware.

NaturCare Organic Lacto Fiber - What can it do for you?

The detailed info below is borrowed from the Tupperware website.

A Balanced Nutrient and Organic Whole Meal Diet

The higher-than-usual nutrient content in Organic Lacto-Fiber contains an abundant supply of nutrients such as vitamins, minerals, unsaturated fatty acids, enzymes and plant proteins from organic sources that help replenish lost nutrients in the body, rejuvenate the system and reduce hunger pangs.

After 10 minutes
  • Lacto-Fiber turns into gel form
  • Lacto-Fiber consumption effectively reduces hunger pangs
Restores Bodily Functions

Contains anti-oxidants that help combat free radicals.

Before: Red & white blood cells overlap each other, thus decreasing blood cell activity and their effectiveness in transporting oxygen to result in a sluggishness of the body.

After 30 minutes: Red & white blood cells are "more separated", allowing more activity and effectiveness in transporting oxygen to result in an improvement of metabolism and stamina.

Cleanses Toxins

Dietary fibre helps cleanse intestine walls, increase bowel movement and reduce the risk of toxin build-up. It also helps mop-up toxins circulating in the blood stream, binds fats and oils and flushes them out of the system.

Strengthens The Immune System

Organic Lacto-Fiber's unique formulation is enriched with probiotics, prebiotics and enzymes to build and strengthen the immune system and help maintain, restore and protect your body.

Benefits of Probiotics, Prebiotics And Enzymes

Beneficial bacteria (Lactobacillus and Bifido bacterium) that produce a positive effect on the digestive system. They help maintain, replenish and balance nutrients in the gastrointestinal (GI) tract as well as improve digestion and eliminate Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS).

Nutrient sources that stimulate the growth or activity of beneficial bacteria. Prebiotics help break down food for easier absorption and cleanse the blood.

Essential for a healthy digestive system and body metabolism. They build up immunity and promote health.

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

About Me & Lacto Fiber

Hi there!

Just thought I'd share a little something about myself:

I'm a 35 year-old mummy to a cute 14 month-young baby girl. When I was pregnant with her, my weight ballooned from my original 58.5kg to a post-birth 73kg. With the heavier body, I felt more lethargic and fell sick easily. I wanted to lose some weight and cleanse my body of the toxins. At the same time, I was afraid that the off-the-shelf detox or slimming products would cause harm to my baby girl as I was still breastfeeding.

By some stroke of luck, I came across a product whilst browsing the Tupperware brochure: NaturCare Organic Lacto Fiber. The product is organic, 100% natural, and packed with nutrients which would benefit both myself as well as my baby girl.

I bought a box to try and was pleasantly surprised at how well it tasted. I had fully expected fiber to taste bland, but here was a beverage that tasted really good. I went on to take Lacto Fiber on a daily basis and by the end of the 1st month, I had lost 5kg from my post-birth weight. Not only that, I felt lighter and more alert. My health also improved and I fell sick less often.

Since then, I have lost another 5kg to reach 63kg now. Although the weight loss is much more gradual now, I am convinced that it is the healthier way to lose weight as compared to all those slimming pills and medications out there. The nutrients packed in Lacto Fiber also ensures that I get to absorb all the necessary nutrition.

This blog is setup to share this wonderful product with everyone. I believe that Lacto Fiber can help everyone in the same way it has helped me.