The detailed info below is borrowed from the Tupperware website.

The higher-than-usual nutrient content in Organic Lacto-Fiber contains an abundant supply of nutrients such as vitamins, minerals, unsaturated fatty acids, enzymes and plant proteins from organic sources that help replenish lost nutrients in the body, rejuvenate the system and reduce hunger pangs.
After 10 minutes
- Lacto-Fiber turns into gel form
- Lacto-Fiber consumption effectively reduces hunger pangs

Contains anti-oxidants that help combat free radicals.

Dietary fibre helps cleanse intestine walls, increase bowel movement and reduce the risk of toxin build-up. It also helps mop-up toxins circulating in the blood stream, binds fats and oils and flushes them out of the system.

Organic Lacto-Fiber's unique formulation is enriched with probiotics, prebiotics and enzymes to build and strengthen the immune system and help maintain, restore and protect your body.

Beneficial bacteria (Lactobacillus and Bifido bacterium) that produce a positive effect on the digestive system. They help maintain, replenish and balance nutrients in the gastrointestinal (GI) tract as well as improve digestion and eliminate Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS).
Nutrient sources that stimulate the growth or activity of beneficial bacteria. Prebiotics help break down food for easier absorption and cleanse the blood.
Essential for a healthy digestive system and body metabolism. They build up immunity and promote health.